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Released on the 28th March 2025
There was once a curious little orphan boy called Rex Rapp who had an astonishing bunny-like appearance. He had goofy teeth, dish-shaped upright ears that pointed at the tip and a twitching nose…
Written and Illustrated
by Sana Malik, Northampton Author
Rex Rapp Copyright 2025
World Book Day 6th March 2025
Rex Rapp the Boy Bunny Acrobat written and illustrated by Northampton Author Sana Malik
Rex peered into the mirror and he saw a bright eyed creature staring back at him.
With ears held high the hopping hare, the binkying bunny and Snowlop sang and danced under the starry sky…
The magical Moon Hare said, “Throw this snowflake into the sky and I will be here faster than you can say apple pie!”
The Moon Hare took a giant leap over the moon and Rex took his first bite of the big, bright, lightbulb, “Yum!” Moon tastes like Victoria sponge!”
Rex Rapp and Snowlop Applepip’s
Pancake Song
Tossing and turning
It’s fun learning how to cook pancakes superbly.
Eight tablespoons of flour and one medium barn egg
Four ounces of butter milk and a pinch of salt
A tablespoon of melted butter and an ounce or two of vanilla extract
Now whisk away and listen to the onlookers’ cry ‘hip hurray!’
To decorate, a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of sugar
Or a squirt of fresh cream and a dollop of strawberry jam
Baa! Cry the little lambs
Can we have some too!?
Let’s speed up the fun
Down from the sky they plummet
Like flying saucers at tremendous speed
They fall into frying pans one after the next
Leaving the poor bunnies befuddled
It’s unlike any pancake party they’ve seen before
Everyone’s having great fun for sure!
There’s popcorn for popping salty and sweet
Pancakes sure make a delicious treat.
Spread some with smooth chocolate hazelnut spread
And others with maple syrup
Bunnies do be careful where you tread
For there is a truly scrumptious bunnylicious spread
Tonight, the bunnies will be well fed.
Look! It’s the Moon hare’s party surprise
Of whizzing, whirling
Multi- flavoured Noon pops
Spinning as fast as a wheel
The cute little bunnies are sure to steal the show.
Come on everyone join in with a slice of the fun
Hares and bunnies come marching forth
Hopping about madly
Joining in gladly with the perfect pancake party
Long Ears and the Magical Moon Pancake Party
Rex wobbled with his frying pan. He had collected twenty pancakes that looked like a tumbling tower, and Diggins sat at the top of the tower. “Diggins!” called his mother, “you are not a tumbling tower even if you think you are!” Long Ears hopped about scattering pancake pops. “Take your pick of the Moon hare’s favourite magical party pops!” he cried, “Banoffee Noon Whirl and Bubble Noon Pops and a special edition of Snow Wheel Whirls.”
Just then the tumbling tower came toppling down with a crash, bang and wallop. “Yes please!” yelled Diggins and he charged towards his father. “Halt Diggins!” cried Long Ears and he waved the moon sparkles wand. Diggins was hovering in the air rotating like Snow Wheel Whirl! Soon, there were bunnies and hares hopping about everywhere. It looked such an incredible sight that anyone watching would have been befuddled.
Ides for writing stories
Check out my blog for excerpts from my latest poems as well as inspirational writing tips.
Snowflakes sail upon a swirling storm to transform the sprout stood near..
With a twitch of the nose there go five tiny twinkle toes…